Saturday, December 30, 2006

"Almost Elvis"…..The Unusual and Bewildering World of Elvis Impersonators! (Part 7)

Impersonator or Tribute Artist?: These days many performers with an Elvis show prefer to be referred to as a 'tribute artist' rather than as an 'impersonator'. The intent appears to be to distance themselves from the more derogatory associations held by the public about impersonators and imply a higher degree of professionalism.

A number of the Elvis Performer Associations have deliberately adopted the tribute artist classification with this in mind. However, certain impersonators, including Rick Marino, president of The International Elvis Presley Impersonators Association, argue that if you do Elvis, the bottom line is you are an impersonator.

Rick emphatically states in 'I, Elvis: Confessions of a Counterfeit King': "I - am - an - Elvis - impersonator. Okay? And I'm PROUD of it. I'm not ashamed of it…A lot of guys have a problem with that word: we're Elvis performers, we're Elvis entertainers, illusionists, invokers, whatever - Well, you know what? You're an Elvis impersonator."

So are there any performers who are tribute artists rather than impersonators? Ronnie McDowell requires special mention. Like Mick Gerace in Australia, he provides a tribute show to Elvis. Ronnie does not dress nor attempt to look like The King but his uncanny vocal resemblance has thrilled audiences since the 1970s when he provided the vocals for the excellent bio-film, 'Elvis' starring Kurt Russell.

This series of articles are reprinted with the kind permission of

Andy Stankovich

Elvis The Voice

One of the world's great Elvis Presley tribute artists

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