Tuesday, December 19, 2006

"Almost Elvis"…..The Unusual and Bewildering World of Elvis Impersonators! (Part 3)

Level 3 - Part-Time Professionals: On the next level is hundreds of 'part-time' Elvii who perform in smaller venues whenever they can obtain a booking. They are usually aren't as professional as those in the top echelon and tend more to being overweight and therefore more symbolic of the 'cheeseburger' iconic Elvis. They often build up loyal followings in their local area or region but lack effective management backing. Some perform non-Elvis shows to supplement their income.

A number of performers in this bracket demonstrate superior skills and border on breaking through the glass ceiling into the privileged top bracket. Australia's Dean Vegas (Australia's marriage celebrant Elvis) and Mick (In the Spirit of Elvis) Gerace are two examples, while the failure of the very talented Australian impersonator, Deke Rivers, to achieve substantial success has confounded those who have seen him perform.

In the US, some of the more talented performers are Irv Cass, Steve Sogura, Robert Washington, Quentin Flagg (50s Elvis), Matt King, Mike Albert, Elvis Jr, Travis McCall, Kid Elvis, Scott Douglas, Mike Moat, James L Wages (Sincerely Elvis) and E. Kerry Summers while in Australia the names include Dean Vegas, Vince Gelonese, Joe Bikic and Mark (Elvis to the Mark) Andrew.

Many of the performers on the top two rungs of the pyramid have their own fan clubs and often 'local' Elvis fan clubs adopt them as the 'live' Elvis artist to follow, support and promote. Unlike the top bracket of performers who can sustain a full-time living from their profession, level 2 performers usually work a regular job or supplement their income in other ways.

This series of articles are reprinted with the kind permission of www.elvisinfonet.com

Andy Stankovich

Elvis The Voice


One of the world's great Elvis Presley tribute artists

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