Level 2 - Recreational Performers (the Wanna-Be's): On the second bottom rung of the pyramid are what can be termed the 'recreational' impersonators or as they are often referred to, disparagingly, the 'wanna-be's'.
While they may aspire to achieve regular success at 'being' Elvis on stage they are more likely to only work on the odd Friday night or weekend. They put little time into perfecting their craft and do it more for fun than for the money. They are more likely to be members of the National Association of Amateur Elvis Impersonators.
A mix of level 2 and level 3 performers supplement their performance income by appearing at conventions, fairs, nursing homes and singing birthday telegrams.
This series of articles are reprinted with the kind permission of www.elvisinfonet.com
Andy Stankovich
Elvis The Voice
One of the world's great Elvis Presley tribute artists
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